Friday, October 10, 2008

Why only TGIF...why not FDIM ??

Just another thought...only a thought...if there could be TGIF dedicated to Fridays(Thank God It's Friday, for those who don't know what it stands for)...why couldn't there be FDIM?

FDIM as in Fuck Doode Its Monday !!!

I guess guys our age are more terrified of Mondays than they are excited for Fridays. The idea of going back to that wormhole where every other person is out on a mission to crucify you really makes it hard to wake up on a Monday morning and haul your ass to office.
And anyway, i don't have even a half day on Saturdays, let alone an off day. So there isn't really a TGIF for me. But FDIM is a sure shot happening in my life starting every week...

1 comment:

  1. You are right!! For me, the blues start late sunday night itself..
