Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Poll...Please VOTE !!!

Hello friends and fellow bloggers...

I got this idea for a poll while biking from office to home today. When exactly do you get most of the ideas for your blog?

I've voted (co-incidentally!) for the 2nd option. You could of course have in mind other places and times. Please feel free to throw any brickbats (as i like to call "comments") at me.

Enjoy...and keep voting!!

1 comment:

  1. i voted for

    " listening to someone talking crap" the approp. word should have been

    " BAKAR " /... that is how i interpret that option of urs.

    and yah i would have voted for one option without even wrinkling my head .... " bathrooms " ahahahhahaa

    that is where i do most of my thinking !!!
